Now that you all know about The Fool's Journey it's time to step into the next phase of this journey where we are introduced to The Magician at number 1!
The Magician is all about planning and gathering materials. He has all the tools around him that he needs and he's connected to Spirit, ready to start executing plans. I consider The Magician to be a planning phase of inventory and check lists but with the added power of manifestation.
Some of the buzz words surrounding The Magician are successful planning, being grounded, having all the necessary tools, or being naturally talented with a gift. He's all about talents and gifts and proper preparation!
If you are seeing The Magician it is time to take inventory of your gifts and talents and start defining your plan of action forward. The Magician is here to tell you that you are ready, that you are grounded but connected, and that you have everything necessary to succeed.
So, what does this mean when you see this reversed?
Reversed cards can mean a lot of things in tarot and it all weighs heavily around the question being asked, and the other cards in the spread. For example, if you're asking about starting something new and The Magician appears reversed, you may need more careful planning in place before moving forward into execution of that plan. The planning you have currently may not lead to success or will lead to delayed success.
Another interpretation of The Magician reversed is that you have a talent block or some other barrier to accepting your gifts. I see this a lot and a lot of the time it's our own selves that create the block due to self-esteem. I had to do a past life regression to learn about my blocks to my gifts and release them. Sometimes it just takes an awareness. Other times it simply takes a little more confidence!
If you're asking about relationships and The Magician comes out reversed, I would say that there is some sort of manipulation going on. The querent may not have all the facts either due to gaslighting or some other trick. If you're asking about the person specifically and not the situation, I would say that this person may be arrogant or simply suffers from over-analyzation depending on the surrounding energies of the spread.
Going back to the upright Magician, this card can mean different things dependent on the energy of the question and the surrounding cards in the spread. The Magician is a yes card when presented upright. This would suggest that reversed, it is a no, but I don't see The Magician that way.
I believe it just becomes complicated when this card is reversed. When it comes to yes/no I would say that upright is yes, and reversed is yes, but not until you do some work. It's not a total no! It's a "If you continue in the same pattern, it's a no, but if you carefully plan this out in a new way, it can easily become a yes." I think reversed is "Not quite, but this can change with individual and careful effort," or simply, "Eventually."
The Magician is important because the message here is that you have everything you need already. What a relief! You're naturally gifted somehow and moving toward those gifts will lead to success. This is a reminder that you should be confident in who you are and what gifts you possess.
And I keep saying "gifts" without a strict definition because it really ranges! When I say "gifts" I am not referring to psychic connections or otherwise spiritual gifts, these gifts can be talents and instincts as well! For example, artists can be naturally gifted but so can men and women when it comes to nurturing children. There are many different intelligences out there (See Lily's post on the different intelligences) and you certainly shine somewhere naturally!
Going into more specific areas, the general energy of The Magician is confidence from evidence. The tools surrounding The Magician can be seen as the evidence that he has what it takes to move into the next phase of the journey. Most importantly, he truly believes in himself and his abilities. That's why sometimes this card can signify some arrogance when reversed.
When this card comes up in the querent position, it's describing a very talented individual who is also very grounded in reality. These sorts of individuals are the "naturals" at the things they try. When you try something with confidence and succeed effortlessly, you may be embodying The Magician!
The challenge I associate with The Magician upright is humility and grace. You have the confidence, but remember to be humble in it and move with grace. A challenge for the reversed Magician is to bolster your confidence in your abilities. Remove any blocks to your gifts.
The lesson of The Magician is to use insight to prepare. You have the tools, now trust in yourself that you have them and go forward in your gifts with confidence! If you're looking for advice and you pull The Magician, it's time to get in control of your gifts and harness them. They are readily available to you! You just have to believe it!
I know I've touched on natural abilities with The Magician but he also signifies talents earned through training and hard work. You don't have to be a natural at something to harness the power of The Magician. It can easily be about a skill that is learned that you have natural instincts for. It can be a balance between training and instinct but either way, you have everything necessary to succeed! Believe it!
Join me next week for the next step in The Fool's Journey: The High Priestess.