Let me just say, I have read the Bible. None of you are practicing Christianity. Every single one of you Catholics is a Grocery Store Catholic or a Shelf Catholic. I forget the term. Shopping Cart Catholic? Either way, you're not actually practicing Christianity/Catholicism. You're picking and choosing what you want to learn, or rather, you're letting someone else pick and choose what you learn and practice. Why?
Cafeteria Catholic!! You are a Cafeteria Catholic, period. Unless you're stoning your children, cutting off your wife's hands, or avoiding linen and polyester fabrics, you're not Christian. Eating shellfish? Not Christian. If you are disabled, disfigured, or blemished in any way, you are not allowed to present yourself to the Lord. So, your little belief that God loves everyone? Does not apply to anyone who isn't physically perfect. Which is weird. Because our bodies are just vessels and hold absolutely no meaning. Why the fuck does God care what we look like? That's fucking weird.
And of course, your argument here could be that I'm interpreting it incorrectly and that he means blemishes as sins. Fine. Let's go with that. Why in the fuck can't you present yourself to your God if you're a sinner??? Isn't that the time you need him most? That's super fucked up that your father is only interested in giving you attention if you're perfectly "good" in his eyes. And yes, you're literally living your life in a way to earn approval from some made-up entity that is actually full of hate.
News flash! If you are practicing a structured religion of any kind, you are in a cult.
Let's just take a look at the Bible. Because, what? You're dictating how you want to be as a person based on a book mostly written by men? If I were to live my entire life based on a book I'd hope for some more diverse perspectives at the very least. So, already, I think it's a bit silly. As a woman though, I totally reject it and you should too. Here's why!
In the Bible, women and men are not created equal. Period. The same "sin" that would mean a man is in shame, would result in the stoning of a woman. Unequal. Men could have concubines! And furthermore, could offer their concubines to anyone at any time to let them be raped. And it doesn't stop there! Lot offers his virgin daughters to an entire mob group to rape them so that he doesn't have to deal with them.
Bottom line, rape is okay as long as the man "in charge" allows and agrees to it. WHAT THE FUCK. I could stop here. I mean honestly, are you really going to allow your children to base their lives off a book that mistreats women so blatantly and predominantly throughout the entire thing? If your answer is still yes, please proceed.
“I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one” Matthew 5:34-37
Putting your right hand on the Bible in court? Blasphemous. The Hippocratic Oath? Swearing into the military? You're all a bunch of sinners.
Jesus says the abilities of believers include: 1) driving out demons 2) speaking in tongues 3) picking up snakes 4) drinking deadly poison without harm 5) curing the sick by touching them.
Try it! Haven't you been looking for a sign? Wanting God to show himself and prove he's there? If you're truly a believer, and God is truly real, you should be able to drink poison. Try it! (My actual advice: don't)
Rich people don't make it into heaven according to the Bible. Worse even, the Bible really only accounts for about 144,000 Jews making it into Heaven, everyone else? See ya in Hell!
God's entire trope on "free will" is absolute bullshit. He made Satan torment Job just for the sake of finding out if Job would curse God to his face. Sounds like God was bored and needed an ego boost by one of his followers. In fact, most of the times God has stepped in to "mediate" or get involved, he's made things worse. Not once has he come down to Earth to actually help us, claiming we have "Free will."
But if we are in need of punishment? And keep in mind this decision to bring about punishment is based on his own fucking idea of good and bad...God has no problem punishing us. floods, fires, you name it. He let that whale eat up Jonah. He smite down the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. He's murdered people. And I don't mean indirectly. God has directly ended the lives of many humans. Something I consider to be evil as fuck.
Did you know baby Jesus was kind of a twat? He threw temper tantrums that resulted in death. John the Baptist wasn't even convinced he was the son of God and almost refused to baptize him! Mary was not a virgin. And anyway, the Bible suggests that the Holy Spirit is actually a woman. So, according to your religion, Mary conceived Jesus through lesbian sex. Which I'm pretty sure is a big no-no to you all. The "Immaculate Conception" does not refer to Jesus being conceived. That is the Virgin Birth. The Immaculate Conception refers to the belief that Mary was born without Original Sin. HER conception was immaculate. Not Jesus's.
And the Bible is meant to be interpreted!! You really let someone from eons ago make the only interpretation and you put it into practice for the rest of time? That's actually fucking nuts. There are so many conflicting beliefs that if you follow the Bible, you're most likely a hypocrite at some point. So let go of structured religion and instead foster your own sense of spirituality. This can include a higher power! Mine does not. No one gets a say in how I live my life but me. No one judges me but me. It's just anxiety inducing to think you have to live up to the standards set by some giant in the sky. No thanks!
Focus on the well-being of your soul. Do what makes you happy. Connect with nature and give back to the universe. This is much more in-line with godliness than pretending some bread is flesh every week.
Obviously there are more problems in the Bible but the mistreatment of women? Should send you running for the hills wondering what kind of fucked up entity could be in charge of all of this. If you're still not convinced...let's take a look at paganism.
Pagans believe that nature is sacred and that the natural cycles of birth, growth and death observed in the world around us carry profoundly spiritual meanings. Human beings are seen as part of nature, along with other animals, trees, stones, plants and everything else that is of this earth. That's it. That's the belief.
So to call them heathens and self-indulgent is super off-base. Christmas and Easter? Pagan holidays. Even New Year's Eve! So, if you've ever celebrated any of these things you're technically going against your own religion. Jesus's birthday was in July.
What about satanism? You associate sacrifice with evil-doing? Sacrifice is riddled throughout the Bible and it not only included animal sacrifice but human sacrifice too.
My point, most if not all religions are pretty much exactly the same. So all your religious wars? Get off your fucking high horse and let people live their own brainwashed lives. If you are following a fucking book in order to have a good life, you're not only limiting yourself, you're putting yourself in a box. A cult. You are in a fucking cult if you are practicing religion. Which is man-made, oppressive, and manipulative.
And, looking back, religion has caused more problems than it's solved. I have yet to see where religion fosters love. It doesn't, it fosters fear. Fear of God? I get it, like respect him, but fear him? That's fucking nuts!!! So, overall, religion is just not it. It makes us hate each other. It makes us scared. It keeps us from authentically being ourselves! THAT is the only sin you can commit in my opinion.
And the fact that we let religion bleed into our government is so fucking delusional. Who the fuck do you think you are imposing your beliefs on everyone? The gays just want to be able to exist and you're complaining they're enforcing themselves on you. What about you!!! You're allowing laws to be written, affecting everyone including those who don't believe in God, based off a stupid fucking book that maybe YOU chose to follow, but everyone? You're the one enforcing yourself on everyone, not the gays.
And I get that God is a crutch for some people. Some people just don't believe in themselves enough to know they're strong enough to face this world without the safety net of a God. So, I guess the idea of him can be important, but beyond that? Fuck that guy.
What's the best way to get people to follow all your fucked up rules? Make up some being in the sky to scare the shit out of everyone into complying. And we fell for it!! Just, let it go already. It's time.