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Writer's pictureLily

Psychedelics & Perceptions

I subscribe to the belief that drugs enhance our senses as opposed to altering them. Argue with me all you want, but I'm stubborn about this theory of mine. I'm sure others have considered this before and even more can see the truth of it. I am here to claim with 100% confidence that drugs just expedite spiritual awakenings. This is mostly due to the fact that when magic is an option for explanation, I take it.

In my youth, I decided against better judgment to sample a few different things. No, I did not fall into addiction after one try. In fact, there are safe ways to navigate the alternative world if you do your research. Which I suggest you do. I will not be providing tips on drug use that just seems in bad form. I will not encourage drug use either. I will say this though; DO NOT try a drug for the first time with first-timers. Always have at least one veteran, who is willing and able to reroute your trip when necessary.

Okay, I lied. I will provide one starter tip that needs to be considered every single time you even take a sip of alcohol. This is true for all mind-altering substances. Rule #1: Make sure you are in a good mindset before tripping. This is the most important rule and everybody knows this one. Do not drink if you're angry. Do not drink if you're sad or grieving. Don't drink to drown out pain. This is true for drug use as well. Even more important in the world of drugs, I think. Which brings me to my main point.

Going into a trip, and how you handle your trip, is very similar to how you should approach life.

If you go into a trip with a negative mindset you're going to have a terrible fucking time. I mean god-awful. And it's true the other way too. If you're deliriously happy before starting your trip and in good spirits, expect that emotional range to stretch into pleasurable magnitudes of euphoria. It's an enhancement of your natural state.

The first time I tripped on mushrooms I could see both of the trips. It was absolutely fascinating. My trip buddy was having a terrible trip and I could see exactly why. But, unlike my buddy, I could also see the "good" trip. The path of light next to the path of darkness. I chose to focus on the light.

The darkness fascinated me, don't get me wrong. I looked outside my window at the tree in my front yard and the branches were swaying and folding in on themselves like tentacles made of black licorice. It was horrifying yet interesting; I knew I was on drugs. I remember I laid on top of my buddy to serve as a weighted blanket through his "bad" trip. I couldn't tell the difference between my body and his body. It felt like our flesh was melting and our bones were intertwining. I was deflating into his body. I did not share this sensation with him until after the come down. It was, again, quite horrifying, but I could find the humor in this.

I decided to go on a walk by myself around the city while my buddy laid on the couch. He did not want to venture into the great outdoors. It was dark outside by now. Every street I looked down looked spooky as fuck until I would change my mind. That's right. I simply would decide that no, this was not scary, and suddenly the trip would transform.

If we have the ability to alter our perceptions inside of drug-induced trips, why can't we apply this to life? They say to look at things with the glass half-full as if that's going to make a difference in the amount of water in the glass, but it does! There's a huge difference in perception when we choose to be positive instead of wallowing in the negative. There is negativity out there, and it's easy to spot because it makes us uneasy. Choose the light.

Enter into each new day like you're on a new trip. Drink a glass of water and imagine it filling your spirit with positivity. Take this with you into the rest of your day. Any time reality tries to pull you under into the "bad" trip of life, decide to see the positive. Decide for the light!

I never really understood the power of a changed mindset until this trip. Which supports my idea that drugs are spiritual catalysts. I learned an important lesson in the duality of my trip and the simple fact is this: we are more in control of our surroundings than we think. It is bad out there. But it's also really good and magical if you have the patience to look for it inside all the mess. You may not be in control of the way the world works, but you are in control of the way you perceive it. This makes all the difference in the world.

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