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Writer's pictureLily

Money & Happiness

We've all heard the saying that money can't in fact buy us happiness. And this is true, you won't be happy sitting on a billion dollars if you're not at peace with who you are. I believe that true happiness comes from finding the peace in everything. Peace in nature, but also peace in chaos. That being said...

Money can make you more peaceful which leads to increased general satisfaction and this satisfaction? Feels like happiness or at the very least contentment. Which; honestly, is good enough for me.

So, actually? Money can buy happiness in a super-weird roundabout way. It's not a direct link, and there are things you need to put work into on your own time that have to do with self-growth and all of those lovely things. But baseline? Financial security is the difference between a peaceful life and a fucking terrifying one. And that's a huge, colossal difference.

I've had it both ways! I've lived paycheck-to-paycheck and I've also been in the position to actually grow some savings; which, shocked me at the time. Does anyone really have savings these days anymore? Anyway, I can say with 100% confidence that money makes the difference. "Bills" are just not a thing when you're not living paycheck-to-paycheck. You just set that shit up on autopay knowing you'll always have the money to cover it and watch your credit score climb - while not doing a damn thing. Woo!

That happened to me once. For one year of my life I just had my bills on autopay and did not waste a single second worrying about them. I could not even tell you what days rent or utilities hit at all! Electric? No idea. But it was covered and I'd still have spending money. And this sounds like I'm bragging because I so am. I was extremely proud of myself for getting to this place where money was no longer a pain point but an opportunity vortex.

The simple concept of not worrying about money anymore made me feel better about myself. It made me feel like I was "responsible" or "good with money" but mostly, it made me feel like a full human adult for a second. Which is wild because I'm not responsible and I'm not good with money. Hence, why I no longer am in this position I once was in. I just happened to have a really good job that year. It's silly really.

Money keeps the world spinning and when you can't cash out when you need to, it's embarrassing and makes you feel like shit. Imagine for a moment not having to make excuses for why you can't hang out in public - everything in public costs money (It's absolutely an anti-homeless thing which is super fucked but I'm getting off topic now) - anymore because you simply just have money. It's a fucking 180 of life let me tell you.

Being financially secure brings peace and allows us more opportunities to actually join the life we work so hard to keep up. It makes basic things simple again. Your car breaking down? No longer sends you into a fit of sobs because you actually have what you need to cover it. I lost my car when I couldn't pay for it to be taken out of a tow lot. It was a really sad day for me, but had I simply had some money, I might still have a mode of transportation.

And that's the thing about money; it saves time! And time is even more money and so it builds and builds and starts becoming exponential. When you hit that golden amount where bills become a non-issue, barely being thought about, you will feel happy. I can promise you that. You will feel more whole in yourself. Because we tend to equate our worth to our line of work or how much we make and it's sad! But it's true.

And because we do this, our career and income directly affects our perception of ourselves. It's the whole idea behind a "sexy job." And we all know a sexy job when we see one. Mostly? It's the jobs that make the most money. I won't even list the sexy jobs because I won't feed into this madness. A job is a job is a job, don't measure your worth by your line of work.

But we do! And so money becomes something that either elevates or completely deflates our own sense of self. Having a good sense of self is what brings the peace you need for happiness. In conclusion, having more money will bring you more peace in your life and in yourself which will make it much easier to experience happiness. Does it directly equate? No. But it fucking helps. A LOT.

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