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Writer's pictureLily

Angels, Demons, and The Creator

I have often been asked my opinion on the existence of demons and what I think of them. I think it's interesting because this usually follows the question of "Do you believe in God?" and I do. Just not the God that everyone worships. Ooh, blasphemy! Let me explain.

I think anyone who thinks they can even begin to fathom the Creator is kidding themselves. We're stupid humans! And our brains can only perform so much. In fact, a lot of our memories and thoughts exist in a space that we do not even have access to lest we lose our minds over all the information overload. I'm talking about the subconscious. We can't even handle all the information we have on ourselves, so we shoot most of it into the subconscious where we can derive messages and clues as we grow and develop at a pace we can manage.

If we have created a space to store mind-altering information just to ensure we do not blow our own minds, what makes someone think they can fathom the Creator? And I do believe we have a Creator. I think they work closely with the cosmos and that everything is connected.

I think we can take any idea that has been formed around the identity of "God" and immediately cross it off the list. If it has been thought up by a human mind, it is not true. I really do believe that, as humans in our human forms, we can not ever know God. It's more blasphemous in my opinion to think we are intelligent enough to understand God, what they want, or who they are. I do not believe celestial beings have gender. I think that's a human construct that we formed in order to dumb down things enough to understand at a human level. Because, I repeat, humans are stupid.

And we are stupid in our human forms, with access to only a little bit of information at a time. When we are not incarnated on a life-forming planet, we are who we are. We have no identifiable form, and we certainly don't have identifiable genders. Why would God?

Any idea that you could possibly have about God is too dumb to be right, period. That's just the basis of truth when it comes to the Creator. It's narcissistic of us to think we could absorb all that is the Creator. I think our little depictions and descriptions are cute in that they're an attempt at understanding just to bring us peace of mind, but that's all it is. Something to bring us peace when we're feeling alone, vulnerable, or hurt.

More blasphemy, I think the Creator is just as flawed as we are.

I also think the Creator is just that, the Creator. Their job was to Create and so they did and then they went on with their celestial life unbothered by their little experiment; us. If you're wondering why God doesn't stop bad things from happening, it's because you've given "him" an almighty label when really "he" is just the Creator.

And there are other celestial beings that oversee different niche things and you can certainly pray to them too. The Creator is done with their job; you've been created, why are you still bothering them? It's time to move on.

And that brings me to the Angels and Demons and who I think they are. I think they are us. I think humans are both angelic and demonic all rolled up into one form. I don't think that Angels or Demons are any different from a human. They're just on a different plane, thus being in a different energetic form, with way more information access. This duality of man is what makes being human so difficult. Existence is pain! Part of it is fighting demons.

I believe that neither Angels nor Demons have control over us unless we let them. This is important. You cannot be consumed by your own demons unless you allow it yourself. And that's also the scary part of this; every single human you see, and every single human you come across, has demons inside of them. We're told this all the time. "You don't know what someone is going through," they say. Yes we do! It's hell! We are told to be kind because people might have their own pain. But I'm telling you it is a fact.

I think our celestial forms can be divided out and we, ourselves, choose whether our celestial form is angelic or demonic based on our decisions in life. We are more in control than we think. We constantly have the battle of good and evil within us and it's because we are both equal parts Angel and Demon. Remember, humans are the ultimate predator.

And I've said before that humans are inherently good and that's because every single human to ever enter planet Earth wants to be good. They want to have a positive impact, heal, and help. It's human nature! But we are made up of equal parts "good" and "bad" and so is the hell of being on Earth.

You're not a bad person because you're capable of bad things; everyone is! If you're clever enough, you're evil enough. This is not a bad thing. I think it goes to show just how powerful the Angel inside of you is. If you're constantly bogged down with the fear that you are inherently evil? You're right! But not totally, you have a choice here.

And that's the hard part of being human because there are no shortcuts to being a good person. Every trauma, hurt, or pain that has been inflicted on you comes from the inner demons of someone else. It's their inner demon reaching out to yours and you have a choice then to respond with that demon, whose name is being screamed, or to go find your inner angel to start healing yourself. You will come in contact with others' demonic side, and you'll even come in contact with yours. The existence of this is not evidence that you are evil; it is evidence you are human.

And I don't believe in Heaven or Hell being a place for humans which then stretches to Angels and Demons as well as I think humans, Angels, and Demons are all one in the same but present differently depending on which dimension or plane you're existing on. On Earth, in the 3rd dimension, we are both Angels and Demons.

I think Heaven is a place for the original Angels (who were never human, and do not have a demonic side) and the Creator. I do not think any person who has been to planet Earth has access to Heaven. That being said, I don't think the alternative is Hell either.

If we are to take the Bible seriously (I highly recommend not - with a little charisma, anyone could create any religion from that book), it is known that God created Hell as a prison for Satan at the end of time. I do not think anyone else could even fit inside of Hell with Satan there. Of course, according to the Bible, Satan walks the Earth until the end of time. So, that's fun! But I don't think humans go to Hell or Heaven because they were created specifically for the Creator and Satan. Earth was created for us.

And if Satan walks the Earth then we must assume he has been given a human form which leads me to believe he too has equal parts Angel and Demon inside of him! I think he might be a little misunderstood; more blasphemy, but it's true! I've never met him, so I can't say for certain, but given that he is human currently (maybe), I have to assume he wants to be good just like every other human. He may have the greatest capacity for evil, but like I mentioned before, I think this indicates his capacity for good as well. And that is my opinion on Satan.

All in all, you have more control than you think. Yes, you have a Demon inside of you, but you also have an Angel inside of you. Feed the Angel. The quote I most go back to throughout life comes from Dumbledore and is simply this; It is our choices that show who we truly are, far more than our abilities. Remember this! Just because you're capable of evil does not make you evil. You have a choice.

Always, you have a choice.

So, then where do I think we go after death? I think we might go into an expansive darkness full of peace until we are shot back onto Earth to learn more spiritual lessons that we may have failed our last go around. I think this place is full of water and why so many people are drawn to the ocean. I believe we are made of stardust and return to stardust intermittently between the different lives we lead. And we continue in this perpetual cycle of spiritual lessons until we've learned them all and can "go on" officially.

I think the place that we move into once we've learned all the lessons we need to on Earth, is our own version of Heaven. I guess the Christians would be faced with pearly white gates and assume that that is "Heaven" but really they've only manifested the Heaven that brings them the most peace; one that validates their beliefs on Earth.

I; however, will be in a very magical place both as a mermaid and a fairy, surrounded by all my lovers. And we all love each other unconditionally and make love for all eternity.

If this is not the case, I will be extremely disappointed.

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