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A Fish in a Tree; The Many Intelligences

The world is full of different kinds of intelligence, and it's so fascinating to explore! We often think of intelligence as a single, measurable thing, but that is far from the truth. In reality, there are so many different kinds of intelligence, each with its own distinct skills and abilities.

I've never found "street smarts" together with "book smarts" to be complete in defining the types of intelligence that exist in our world. I like the idea behind these categories; experience vs. education, but it doesn't quite cover everything.

Personally, I think that the different intelligences can be categorized by our basic needs or the different facets of life! Looking at the major 8 facets; Health & Wellbeing, Friends & Family, Fun & Recreation, Career & Business, Environment & Surroundings, Attitude & Gratitude, Love & Romance, and Money & Finance, we can determine and organize different intelligences.

I have categorized what I have declared are the main possibilities of the multiple intelligences existing in reality based on the above 8 facets:

Health & Wellbeing

  1. Medicinal Intelligence; Horticulture/Gardener, Doctor, Nurse, etc.

  2. Healing Intelligence; Energy workers i.e. Reiki etc.

  3. Psychological Intelligence; Mental Health Professionals

  4. Physiological Intelligence; Kinesthetics, Exercise/Gym Trainers, Physical Therapist, etc.

  5. Movement Intelligence (Physical Coordination); Athlete, Stunt Double, Coach, Extreme Sports, etc.

  6. Maintenance Intelligence; Hair stylist, Manicurist, Self-care Professionals, etc.

  7. Culinary Intelligence; Cook, Baker, Sommelier, etc.

Friends & Family

  1. Social Intelligence; Marketing, Ability to engage in small talk, Vulnerability, Tolerance, Acceptance, etc.

  2. Caregiver Intelligence; Parent, Babysitter, Nanny, Cleaning, etc.

  3. Interpersonal Intelligence; Human Resources, Customer Service, etc.

  4. System Intelligence; Group/Team work, Hierarchal understanding

Fun & Recreation

  1. Creative Intelligence; Artists, Musicians, Writers, etc.

  2. Adrenaline Intelligence; Flexibility, Action-oriented, Attention to detail, Firefighter, First Responders, etc.

  3. Inner-child Intelligence; Camp counselors, Elementary Teachers, Babysitters, etc.

  4. Think-tank Intelligence; Generate Ideas, Verbalize Ideas, Group/Team work, etc.

  5. Travel Intelligence; Travel Agency, Ability to book efficiently at the best price point

  6. Entertainment Intelligence; Actor, Theater, Sex Professional, etc.

Career & Business

  1. Career Intelligence; Ability to climb the ladder, Discipline, Management, Organization, Networking, etc.

  2. Business Intelligence; How to grow a business, Investing, Marketing, LLC's, etc.

Environment & Surroundings

  1. Basic Intelligence; Common sense, Good sense, Instinct, etc.

  2. Street Intelligence; Drug/weapon/etc. dealer, Sex Professional, Bouncer/Security, Politician, Police Officer, Lawyer, etc.

  3. Safety Intelligence; Defense mechanisms, Defense skills, etc.

  4. Tech Intelligence; Data analytics, Coding, SEO, AI, etc.

  5. Transportation Intelligence; Taxi Driver, Pilot, Subway Driver, Truck Driver, etc.

  6. Climate Intelligence; Environmentalist, Farmer, etc.

  7. Spatial Intelligence; Packing, Interior Design

  8. Celestial Intelligence; Astronaut, Astrologer, Astronomer, etc.

  9. Psychic Intelligence; Ability to read rooms, vibes, or people

  10. Physical Intelligence; Builders, Construction, Physics, Architecture, Landscaper, etc.

  11. Harmony Intelligence; Home-maker, Interior Designer, Landscaper, etc.

  12. Geological Intelligence; Geographer, Cartographer, Geologist, Historian, etc.

  13. Language Intelligence; Linguistics, Translator, Writer, etc.

Attitude & Gratitude

  1. Emotional Intelligence; Regulating emotions, Expressing emotions, Vulnerability, etc.

  2. Sensitivity Intelligence; Ability to deliver bad news delicately, bed-side manner

  3. Humor Intelligence; Wit, Clever, Innovative, Comedian, etc.

  4. Persona Intelligence; Presenting yourself well, Compartmentalizing, Lying well

  5. Trauma Intelligence; Adaptability, Empathy

  6. Case Intelligence; Argumentative skills, Balance/Justice skills, Lawyer, Judge, etc.

  7. Etiquette Intelligence; Manners, Human decency, Cotillion skills, etc.

Love & Romance

  1. Presentation Intelligence; Sales, Marketing

  2. Relationship Intelligence; Compromise, Adaptability

  3. Romance Intelligence; Flirting skills, Attentiveness, Affection, Sexual charisma, etc.

  4. Love Intelligence; Unconditional love, Bonding, Respect, Trust, etc.

  5. Pleasure Intelligence; Bedroom skills

Money & Finance

  1. Budget Intelligence; Accounting, Finance, Revenue, etc.

  2. Tax Intelligence; Donations, Loopholes, Banking, Embezzlement, Fraud, etc.

  3. Stock Intelligence; Investing, Displacing money, Bribing, Laundering, etc.

  4. Scheme Intelligence; Scamming, Multi-level marketing, etc.

  5. Currency Intelligence; Exchange rates, Crypto, Global marketing, etc.

I'm sure there are some missing from my list, but these are the intelligences I am currently aware of that exist in my head. As you can see, some intelligences are accepted and practiced, while others are frowned upon or even downright illegal. Some intelligences don't even come with a corresponding career! Many of the intelligences we possess can not be monetized, unfortunately; which, I think explains this severe lack in finding our "passion" in the work place.

Opening up the world of intelligence into subgroups beyond "school" and "street" allows us to see a more accurate range of our abilities as humans. Some of our biggest jobs out there - like parenting - aren't offered under a contracted salary. It's bonkers! If you're wondering how you can be so versatile yet not fit into a category of career, this is why! We all exhibit intelligences beyond what a field of work can offer. We simply do not always fit into these little boxes, and frankly? I don't think we're meant to!

Of course, these major facets of life can be broken down even further, presenting the opportunity for more intelligences to be discovered and implemented, but that blog post would be way too long.

Just remember, we're all unique; each and every one of us, which begs the question, is there a specific intelligence that is unique to every individual? It's an interesting thought, and I'm sure if we each took the list above and narrowed it down to what intelligences we possess at an individual level, we could create a specific intelligence to encompass our unique intelligences and slap that label on ourselves!

As Albert Einstein so eloquently said, "Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid," I also implore you to remember that each of our unique collection of intelligences dictates that we too are geniuses of something! And it's most likely different from the perceived majority.

Just because you're not a Lawyer, Doctor, Politician, or Banker, doesn't mean you aren't intelligent. The intelligence it takes to be successful in those careers is borderline corrupt anyway. Which may be why those positions pay so well in the first place.

It's amazing to think that there are so many different types of intelligence out there! Some of us may be more analytical, others more artistic, still others more physical. No matter what type of intelligence you possess, though, it's likely that you'll be able to find a way to make it work for you.

So get out there and show the world what you've got! Just make sure to have some fun, too!

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